Another One Bites the Dust

Another wooden box to fill

More motherless children to fit the bill

Do the survival benefits outweigh the losses

What are the actual costs

Another smoke, another sniff, another drink, no time to stop and think

one more needle in the arm or maybe between the toes, what’s the harm?

just one more,

but one more is too many and a thousand is never enough

you can never be too tough

no ability for them to consider us, we are just one more excuse to use to drown their sorrows.

or to ignore until “tomorrow”

when they’ll have more time

time to see the life they usually choose to leave.

with hopes of euphoria rather than memories of shame and grief

It doesn’t matter, It’s sneaky and progressive.

Is he alive and living in a slide just to get high, or is he alone in the gutter shoved to the side

Does she regret that last use, or was it worth her last breath, not able to say goodbye to her kids

What do THEY have left

How many more have to die?

I preferred it when they lied

How many more do we have to bury

the weight of the burden is getting too much to carry

They get the release; we get to stay and feel the pain from them being set free

free of the disease, but what they thought they wanted was the freedom from pain

while getting the chance to stay-now there’s nothing more for them to gain

If only they had one more chance, but It gets to decide who to battle, and who dies

There’s no fairness and no blame to be had,

only the casualties of the moms and the dads

It’s not about love, just about loss,

the loss of choices, choices to be better and to get better

there’s no cure, no real control

It has a mind of its own,

If we’re lucky It just leaves scars, but most often it takes lives

and chunks of time

It feeds off their hunger, their hunger for love-but not the good kind

the kind that feels like you’re being stabbed with seven knives

where removing them is just as deadly as leaving them in

In the end, no one wins

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